This past weekend Cristian Becerine and Dale Holmes flew out to Corpus Christi, Texas to put on a Clinic at STX BMX Raceway. The Clinic was spread out over a 5 hour period with the group all fairly new to the sport. We covered all the basic fundamentals and the 101 of BMX including bike and street safety, gate starts, turns, jumps on the track, alongside the importance of eating well and staying hydrated. What a fun group these guys were – so many different personalities and great to work with. A big thanks to all of our team sponsors that went out of their way to give so many goodies for giveaways. Everyone that participated left with a bag stuffed with sponsored loot. We’re all excited to get back their next season. A special thanks to Jeff and his wife for fully taking care of us – and for making the trip go smoothly.
#ChaseBMX #StayStrong #Walmart #BaronaCasino #VeeTireco #GoliathFinancial #ANSR #Shimano #WearsRobJames #ODIGrips #KICKER #StealthHubs #kmcchain #smithoptics #gform